Monday, February 25, 2008

Peer Pressure!

Hello! I have officially been "pressured" into Blogging! Ive tried for a WHOLE YEAR now to prevent this from happening in fear that I would be judge for my oh so many mistakes as a new mom but my 2 reluctant but AMAZING friends from high school, Jenny Holloway and Paige Wamble have decided to suprise me and MAKE MY BLOG for me! Since Ive struggled with peer pressure for so long ( NO COMMENT FAMILY) I once again fell in the trap! I do hope this will bring both sides of Bella's family closer to the daily life with Bella! So.. I must say.. THANKS JEN for your constant creativity in your hectic world with twins! You are so selfless and precious! and thanks to Paige for your constant support! I am constantly trying to be as cool and great of a SUPER MOM and you two! MUAH!!! xoxo


Melanie said...

Welcome Shelby!!! I have had so much fun blogging and keeping up with everyone!!! Bella is adorable!!
Melanie Smith

The Wood Family said...

Hey Shelby! I am glad that you have a blog now, so we can all see you and Bella! Have a wonderful week! Keep up the good post!
Haley Wood

ng2000 said...

Valuable resource of peer pressure news summaries: