If you have talked to me in the past few weeks you may have gathered that I haven't really been myself. I"ll be honest.. I haven't. I guess you can say, just when you think things can get tough.. you'll be surprised that they can get even worse! I won't go into details, but lets just say.. BAD LUCK. My Uncle Richard gave me some advice once when I was throwing myself a pitting party. He said "its okay to admit its tough, its not okay to not do anything about it!" It was NOT the words I wanted to hear at the time, but those words have really made a difference. Whether its just another Monday or an Off day.. You still have to be the toughest you can be!
Well... I came home yesterday pretty much as down as I have been in a while after some work woes and increasingly bad news on new tires to only find the SWEETEST THING EVER! Bella was full of so much love and joy that I completely forgot about all my worries!! I then realized how good I really have it! Even on my "off" days she makes me so much stronger! Seems as though when I've been crying out for help, God already sent her.
Just thought I would share these cute pictures in hopes that she will brighten your day as she did mine.
Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. (Psalm 61:1-4)
Hi Shelby,
I found your blog through Haley Wood-I have enjoyed reading it! Bella is so adorable and I am sure she is a real strength for you, things just seem so much simpler through the eyes of a child. Good luck with everything!
~Ashli Holliman
You know how much I love you...things will get better. I promise. Sometimes God allows us to get "waaaaayyyy" down in that valley, so that the only way we can get out is through Him. I've watched you grow and mature into a beautiful woman, who now has a beautiful child of her own. On the days that you feel alone, just remember that your Daddy God and your Daddy Jim are taking care of everything. You are going to make it, and all those aggravations will just be a memory. We've all been there, and lived to tell about it and laugh.
Love you bunches, Momma Donna
You are a very strong woman! There is always a rainbow after the storm. I love ya !!!!!!!!!!!!
hi shelby, i found your blog from haley woods. I love this post. It is easy to get down but when we look at these little ones, it makes it so easy to forget things that don't matter. love your blog, keep posting! katie
Hey Shelby,
It's me Emily Beamer. Bella is so precious! I am so glad Brooks told me about your blog. I have one too! (thebeamerfamily.blogspot.com)
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